Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Home Sick

As much as I adore living in this small town in Georgia, I sometimes miss being in Ohio. All of my friends and family are there. People that I would love to reconnect to and just living near family would be nice, too. I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I don't get along with my Mom or her side of the family. They are a little too religious to the point of being annoying. Don't get me wrong, it's ok to talk about your religion, but I really don't like to be forced into something. Also, I miss my Grandpa's greenhouse. I remember standing there and helping my Mom while talking to my uncles and Grandpa. I also have the same feeling around the holidays.

It's weird for me. At one end, I feel the pull to go back to Ohio and the other half of me wants to stay here. I would bet if J had a job, and we had a place to live, that we would be there in a heartbeat. J really loves Ohio too, which is shocking because Georgia has always been his home. The boys are still young enough to be moved and make new friends rather quickly. But, I don't know because A gets such great care here, I would hate to drag him away from someone who is making great strides with him.

I know that, unless a HUGE miracle happens, that a move to Ohio would not ever be something we could do and that sucks butt.


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