Wednesday, February 24, 2010

S is sick. He started running a fever on Sunday night/early Monday morning. He really has no other symptoms other than he's cranky and he said his head and ears hurt, so I put in a call to the doctor. S just got off of Amoxicillin, so now the doctor has put him on a 5 day course of Zithromax. If that doesn't work, the doctor wants him in for a chest x-ray. He hasn't been to school and is not allowed to go until he's fever free without the help of Tylenol for 24 hours. He keeps asking to go back to school, he misses his friends and his teachers so much. I love that he loves school! I can't believe we'll be registering for Kindy here very soon! My baby is no longer my baby and he'll be 5 years old soon!

Speaking of birthdays, Josh's nephew's birthday is Wednesday, but we won't be making our rounds over there because of S's fever. It wouldn't be fair to get everyone else sick.

Also? A? Well..he'll be 3 in 6 days! What the hell???!!! That's about all I can say about that. Time is going by way to fast for me. My last baby is 3, and is totally NOT a baby. Wow. Moving on before I get all sentimental and stuff...

I'm feeling better! Still coughing some, but it's not as much or as intense. My other problem, however, started a week and a half ago, and is still going strong. My sciatic nerve is killing me. I injured my back in 2000, resulting in 3 bulging disks, spinal canal stenosis, some degenerative disk disease and arthritis. Yes, I'm only 31. I've gone through a TON of different things to help this. Shots in my back, medications, physical therapy, and even losing 30+ pounds last year hasn't seemed to help. I'm hoping it's just a temporary thing, caused by the major coughing due to my bronchitis. If it doesn't ease up, I will have to see the doctor again. I have pain when I sit, stand, bend over and lay down. So what does that leave to do exactly? My foot hurts (the pain wraps up around my ankle to the top of my foot) and falls asleep and my leg feels like it wants to constantly give me a charlie horse in my calf muscle. I also have a constant pain in my calf muscle and behind my knee. I'm so over it. I'm giving it another week or so. Everything I have read so far has not had good results, and talks of surgery this and surgery that, so I'm hoping that's not the case and I'm trying to do little exercises to help ease the pain and stiffness, not to mention taking ibuprofen to help the swelling. I'm hoping it will go away and all will be fine.

I still need to have two teeth pulled and even though I'll be getting the happy gas, I'm having problems bringing myself to make the appointment. The dentist said he'll pull both on the same day, so I won't have to go through it twice and he's a very nice and great dentist, but my phobia is outweighing everything else now. That and I do want to wait until my bronchitis has cleared up so I can have the happy gas without any complications or strains on my respiratory system.

J put up a new front door. The old door was ugly and leaked a ton of cold air! Hopefully, this one will be more energy efficient and it looks so much better! We also bought a new door for the back as well. J plans on fixing the flooring where the old door has leaked in. I know there is probably mold in that floor, so getting rid of that will be a lot better for everyone as well. Our next big project is laminating the floor. We are doing the living room, kitchen, hallway and the boys' bathroom. We eventually will do the boys' bedrooms and our room, but for now, we want this old carpet out. I cannot wait!! My project will be finding colors of paint that match our furniture and flooring, so that should be fun, it's still up in the air what I want it to look like. I want it to be warm and cozy and inviting, while being durable and wear resistant and stain resistant. I do have two little boys that can make it messy pretty quickly at times.

So, off to research some paints and get some ideas!


  1. Unknown said...
    Girl, you need to slow down!!! I'm sorry that S is so sick! Poor baby! A is about to be 3? WOW!! Time does fly! Glad you are feeling somewhat better!
    Carrie said...
    Re: "laminating the floor"
    You're going to cover your floors in plastic? j/k, I know what you're talking about, but the way you put it had me picturing you on your hands in knees literally laminating the floor. lol!

    May I suggest that you DON'T do wood laminate in the boys' bathroom though? You know there will be lots of splashed water from the tub/shower, sinks and pee on the floor over the years. Liquid gets down between the wood laminate slats... and those things are very hard to replace! Neal puts some super cheap one-piece laminate tile stuff down in our bathrooms, and then we cover it with the nicer sticky tiles. So yeah - just a suggestion!

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