Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

I'm wishing my husband a wonderful Father's Day today. He deserves it! He is a wonderful father, and our two boys adore him. They love playing rough with Daddy, and being sweet and cuddling with him and everything in between. J lost his father over 10 years ago, and I'm hoping that my boys and J have a great relationship and lasting memories just like J has of his father. So here are some pictures of the past 4 years of J being a Daddy.

I remember the first time I told him I was pregnant. Oh wow. He was thrilled and excited and couldn't wait to tell everyone he could. Then things started going bad with that pregnancy. J was there with me at every appointment. He was there when we got the news that I had miscarried and that I would need to undergo a D&C. He cried with me, and grieved with me. He was very heartbroken and not only was I heartbroken over the loss of that little one, but also heartbroken to see my husband so heartbroken. It was a very rough time for us. Of course, we stuck by each other, thick and thin and prevailed.

Then came S's pregnancy announcement. Another round of joy for J, but this time with guarded optimism and worry for me. He didn't let me do anything. He did dishes and cleaned the house, did laundry and cooked and made sure I got whatever I wanted. Then that day reared it's ugly head. I had to be rushed to a major hospital where we awaited the fate of our baby. S was born 15 weeks early for unknown reasons. I had to watch J worry all over again. I worried. It was a very rough time. Then things started looking up and Father's Day 2005, he was holding his little boy, who weighed a little over 3lbs here. Talk about true love.

He was so excited to have a little boy! Now he could teach him everything he did as a child. He was so gentle with S. So loving. I really loved watching my big, burly, strong husband interact with our child. It makes my heart swell and brings tears to my eyes.

Sweeter than words

They look so much alike!

Cuddle time before bed

BoldLoving the fireworks!

18 months after S was born. We had another big announcement. I was pregnant again. I was not very happy this time. I called him at work, and told him that I was extremely pissed off that I was pregnant. Most of why I was so mad was because I was so scared and being scared sometimes makes people go loony! J, on the other hand, was so happy, he practically danced. For all I know, he probably did! After a few weeks of calming down time, I accepted it and couldn't wait to meet the new little one. I hoped, deep in my heart, that things would be different this time, that I would make it full term. I almost did! At 36w3d, A came into the world. Screaming, pink, and beautiful. When J and I heard A screaming, we cried (S had only did a few kitten meow-like cries at birth). We were so overjoyed and I was in awe of A. After recovery time for me, we all went home and it was bliss.
Paging Dr. J.

Taking A to the nursery

In love all over again!
Sleeping on Daddy. My ovaries are all a-twitter

Seriously though, if I could, I'd have 15 babies with this man. Seriously.

Then came the time of the boys starting to grow up and really start interacting with Daddy. They roughhoused and got messy and explored new places and things. They acted serious and silly and just had a great time with each other. My 3 boys. How I love them and wouldn't want it any other way!

The men in my life

My men at Christmas 2007

Having a great time egg hunting!

So then it was time to explore and do all the weird things boys do. I watched my sons grow, and I watched my husband grow as a father, and believe it or not, I keep falling in love with him. Over and over again. I hope these 3 have many adventures to come!

Taking a rest while exploring the woods

Holding on tight!

Boys are always dirty

And always picking something

And full of bruises

And always having fun!

So Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband. I hope to celebrate many MANY MANY more to come!! The boys and I adore and love you and always will!


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